Thank you for ordering a lot every day. The price of shrimp is rising, but it is doing its best and it is open!! I will continue to do my best!!
石垣島生まれ、石垣島育ちのISHIGAKIJIMA GARLIC SHRIMPは、地元石垣島の料理人が完成させた素材を生かしたレシピです。ぜひガーリックと海老とスパイスの調和、オリジナルライスの味と風味をお楽しみください。島唐辛子、島胡椒が味の決め手です。
Thank you for ordering a lot every day. The price of shrimp is rising, but it is doing its best and it is open!! I will continue to do my best!!